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Invisalign Treatment – Frisco, TX

The Clear Choice for Straightening Teeth

clean invisalign tray
A dental professional with a clear aligner in their hand showing a patient

As an Invisalign patient himself, Dr. Buchwald is very knowledgeable on how to use these removable aligners as a tool to straighten your teeth. He has treated hundreds of patients by performing these custom digital setups and designing the Invisalign trays necessary to accurately align the teeth. Dr. Buchwald regularly attends Invisalign continuing education courses which allows him to stay up to date on the latest advancements so that he can provide more accurate and efficient results for his patients. If you want to find out whether you are eligible to begin treatment with Invisalign in Frisco, contact our office today!

Why Choose Buchwald Orthodontics for Invisalign Treatment?

  • Available for Teens and Adults
  • Board-Certified Orthodontic Expert
  • Fewer Appointments and Faster Results

How Does Invisalign Work?

A young man holding an Invisalign aligner

Invisalign treatment in Frisco, TX, is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. Dr. Buchwald creates a unique, digital treatment plan that maps out the exact movements of your teeth. Based on the movements in your plan, Dr. Buchwald will then design your Invisalign aligners to apply just the right amount of force at the right time.

Each set of aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into their correct position, according to your treatment plan, until your beautiful new smile is created. For ideal tooth movement, Dr. Buchwald recommends wearing your aligners for 20-22 hours a day. He will also schedule you to change to a new set of aligners every 1 to 2 weeks depending on your plan. Throughout your Invisalign treatment, Dr. Buchwald will see you at regularly scheduled appointments to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned and make any adjustments to your aligners, if needed, to keep your teeth on track.

Benefits of Invisalign

An up-close, digital view of crooked teeth

When it comes to choosing Invisalign in Frisco to straighten your teeth or realign your bite, you’ll quickly discover the many benefits that cannot be attained with other orthodontic solutions. Whether you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, a teacher who is always smiling for a classroom of kids, or a self-conscious teenager or stay-at-home parent, you’ll never need to worry about compromising your daily appearance while working toward a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing smile. With the help of these clear aligners, you can enjoy greater flexibility and longer-lasting results. But if you’re interested in learning more about the multiple advantages that come with Invisalign, review the information below and contact us to schedule an appointment.

Faster Results

A woman wearing a white sweater holds an Invisalign aligner in preparation of reinserting it into her mouth

You will achieve a new and improved smile in less time than it takes with traditional metal braces. Because of the SmartTrack material and technology used to create your clear aligners, you can expect more precise and predictable movements, allowing you to enjoy a smoother, more comfortable treatment as well as faster results.

Improved Flexibility

An up-close look at a customized Invisalign aligner being held by a thumb and forefinger

If you’re worried you’ll have to give up your favorite foods because of your orthodontic treatment, guess again. Invisalign does not hinder your day-to-day life at all. In fact, you will be instructed to remove your aligners while eating, drinking, and cleaning them. Not only will this simple step give you greater flexibility, but you’ll be able to freely enjoy the foods you love without worrying about spending precious time picking remnants out from between your brackets and wires. Instead, you can simply clean your teeth like normal once you are finished eating.

Easy to Maintain

An up-close image of a woman reinserting her Invisalign aligner

Regular braces will often require you to buy special brushes and cleaning products to ensure your teeth and appliances remain in good shape throughout treatment. However, with Invisalign, you can rest easy knowing that your financial investment is going to pay for your aligners, not how you plan to maintain them. While you can purchase the Invisalign Cleaning Crystals, you can also opt to use a soft-bristled toothbrush, clear soap, and lukewarm water to keep your aligners clean and free of dried saliva and bacteria. All you need to remember to do is rinse them each time you take them out and put them back in, and you’ll need to clean them every day.

Clear Orthodontic Solution

A woman wearing a blue sweater holding an Invisalign aligner and smiling

With Invisalign, you don’t have to worry about donning bulky metal brackets and wires. Instead, you can look forward to a clearer, more subtle method of orthodontic treatment. One of the great benefits of Invisalign in Frisco is that your aligners are made of clear plastic, which allows for a more discreet way to straighten your smile. Virtually transparent and invisible to others, you won’t need to worry about anyone else noticing your braces. This can be a welcomed realization for anyone who is self-conscious about the idea of orthodontics.

Less Irritation

A set of Invisalign aligners sitting next to a protective case

Nothing hurts more than soft oral tissues that are irritated by bulky brackets and wires. When wearing traditional braces, these appliances can rub against your gums, lips, cheeks, and tongue, causing oral sores to form. As a result, you’ll need to buy dental wax to place over the metal until your soft tissues toughen up. Fortunately, with Invisalign, the aligners are smooth and fit snugly against your teeth, allowing for a more comfortable treatment and little-to-no irritation.

Indications for Invisalign

A clear aligner going on over the top row of teeth

Invisalign is extremely versatile at treating various orthodontic problems, such as:

Crowded Teeth

If teeth sit too close to each other, this can create problems for effective cleaning. As a result, you become more susceptible to tooth decay and cavities. Invisalign can move your teeth to ensure adequate space is between them, making it easier to clean and maintain.

Spaces Between Teeth

If you have one or more spaces between your teeth in your mouth, this can lead to trapped bacteria and food particles, resulting in serious dental problems if left untreated. By using Invisalign aligners, they can work to bring your teeth closer together and into more proper alignment.

Bite Alignment

Invisalign is great for improving all types of bite problems, including an overbite, underbite, crossbite, and even an open bite. Not only will it reduce wear and tear on your teeth, but it will also alleviate chronic jaw pain.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

dental hygienist holding two Invisalign trays in the shape of a heart

Because each treatment is so personalized, the cost of Invisalign in Frisco will vary from patient to patient based on a number of factors. During your Invisalign consultation, we’ll be sure to go over these factors with you, as well as how they affect the price of your treatment. We’ll also discuss insurance and other financing options to help you fit the cost of Invisalign treatment into your budget. If you want to learn more on the topic before your appointment, however, then you’re also welcome to read on!

Factors That Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Dentist examining patient's teeth with dental tools

During your consultation, Dr. Buchwald will take detailed X-rays of your teeth, conduct an oral exam, and determine the complexity of your case. From there, he can decide how many trays are needed, if additional orthodontic accessories need to be added to your treatment plan (like rubber bands), and if we need to straighten one or both arches of your teeth. Of course, once your clear aligners arrive and life with Invisalign officially begins, another factor will come into play: how well you follow the guidelines. For example, if you consistently don’t wear your aligners for 20+ hours a day, you might fall off-track with your original treatment plan, which will require us to make a new one.

Invisalign vs. Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Patient holding Invisalign clear aligner outside

When you compare Invisalign to mail-order aligner companies, the latter is almost always cheaper. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s better. In fact, many patients have found the opposite to be true since they experienced worsened misalignment and even fallen-out teeth, leading them to file a lawsuit. Even professional organizations, like the American Dental Association, have voiced their distaste for these orthodontic alternatives since they skip crucial steps of the treatment process, including a thorough exam. In short, even though Invisalign requires a higher investment, it’s worth it.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Dental insurance form on tablet next to notepad, glasses, and plant

If your provider deems orthodontic treatment “medically necessary,” then there is a good chance that the answer is yes! Since we welcome many of the nation’s leading dental insurance companies, including Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, and Guardian, we can also help you utilize your available benefits to the fullest! We’ll happily explain your coverage upfront, provide you with an estimate of your out-of-pocket expenses, and file the claims on your behalf so the entire process is as stress-free as possible.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Dentist and dental assistant smiling while patient looks at teeth in mirror

If you don’t have dental insurance, don’t worry – our goal is to help patients with all kinds of budgets! For that reason, we have $0 down payment, interest-free, and $99 monthly payment plans. That way, you don’t have to pay for the entire cost of Invisalign at once. If you want to learn more about this financial solution, just give us a call. We’re here to help make navigating the financial side of your treatment headache-free.

Invisalign is for Teens Too!

Interested in knowing more about Invisalign for your teen? Click below for more information.

Invisalign for Teens

Call us today to schedule your complimentary consultation to see if Invisalign is the right treatment option to create your new perfect smile.

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